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New Beginnings: New You

Updated: Oct 18, 2022

“If you do not create change, change will create you.” ~Unknown

We frequently reject change and fail to recognize that it is a constant.

Even if you reject it or ignore it, it will still come into your life. Since the change was your idea in the first place and you wanted it, adapting to it is usually not too difficult.

But are the unexpected and unforeseen changes undesirable? What if every change was positive by nature?

Since I was a small child, I have welcomed change. My life has included living in five different countries, around twenty-five different apartments, five different schools, and roughly five different occupations.

At first, it is a little frustrating and challenging, but after a while, you get accustomed to the change so much that if it doesn't happen for a while, you find yourself moving the furniture in your home in an effort to feel anything shifting.

My personality has changed as a result of going from nation to country. They helped me to become more adaptable and understanding. I now recognize and value diversity and cultural differences.

Every change in careers provided new information and experiences. As a result, in addition to my professional experience, I gained knowledge on how to deal with challenging coworkers and difficult employers.

Changes in my career have given me confidence. After going through all those changes, I finally understood what I wanted to do with my life.

My marriage was the biggest transformation in my life. Love, calm, and comfort entered my life as a result of the shift. As a result, a new me—one who was a wife, mother, and content woman—was created.

Finally, the significant change I brought about by leaving a decent profession and pursuing my passion for writing left me feeling truly content and joyful.

In general, I see that everything positive in my life came about as a result of past adjustments when I look back.

In general, people avoid change and prefer to remain in their familiar surroundings, but I firmly think that once you muster the confidence to make the decision to change, your life will significantly improve.

Here are a few advantages of change:

1. Personal growth

Every time something changes, you develop and learn something new. You gain fresh knowledge about several facets of your existence. Even when you make adjustments that don't get you where you want to go, you can still gain wisdom from them.

2. Flexibility

You can more quickly adjust to new circumstances, environments, and people as a result of frequent changes. You don't panic as a result when something unexpectedly changes.

3. Improvements

Everybody has aspects of their lives they would like to be better—their finances, work, relationship, home, etc. We are all aware that nothing will get better on its own. To accomplish that, we need to change the way we do things. There wouldn't be any advancements without change.

4. Life values

Changes occasionally prompt you to reexamine your life and consider certain issues from a new angle. The shift may also reaffirm your core ideals, depending on what it is.

5. The Snowball effect

We often give up because we can't handle the challenging task of bringing about a significant and quick change. Small adjustments then become very valuable. Small adjustments over time will eventually lead to the desired big one.

6. Strength

Not every change ushers in a good time in your life. Unfortunately, sad things also occur since we do not live in a fairy tale. You will become stronger after overcoming the challenging time.

7. Progress

Progress is sparked by changes. Because of them, things progress and change.

8. Opportunities

Every change has an unknown outcome. There are many possibilities waiting for you when you deviate from your normal course. New options for happiness and fulfillment will come with changes.

9. New beginnings

Every modification is a new chapter. It has to do with concluding one chapter and starting a new one. Changes give life fresh beginnings and excitement.

10. Routine

Do you recall the film Stranger than Fiction? For years, Harold Crick, the primary character, consistently does the same actions at the same pace. He has a perfectly uninteresting, predictable, and dull life. Without any modifications, that is how your life would be.

The next time you feel tempted to avoid or reject a change, try to start the ones that will get you where you want to go instead.

Additionally, keep in mind that butterflies wouldn't exist without change.

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